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Bay of Naples

The Itineraries

1.Phlegrean Itineraries, from Greek colonization to the Roman otia.
Acropolis of Cuma-Baia
Acropolis of Cuma-Lucrino
Acropolis of Cuma-Pozzuoli

2. Underwater Archaeology and Diving.
In Naples - Gaiola and Trentaremi.
At Baia - the Archaeological Museum.
Underwater diving points.

3.From the Seiano Grotto to Bagnoli and Via Napoli.
The Seiano Grotto, The Temple of Vedio Pollione, Nisida and the Tourist Jetty, Città della Scienza science centre, the Pontile panoramic jetty, Turtle Point, the Arenile and the Pietra.

4.From the Beverello Pier to Palazzo Donn’Anna.
The Maritime Station, the Borbonic Port, the Molosiglio Port, Via Acton, Via S. Lucia, the Isle of Megaride, The Borgo dei Marinari and the large Yacht Clubs. The Villa Comunale, The “Anton Dhorn” Zoo, and Palazzo Donn’Anna.

5.Naples from the sea by boat.
The coast, seen from the sea, during a sailing trip with departure and arrival at the Darsena Borbonica (Borbonic Shipyards).

6.From Palazzo Donn’Anna to the Gaiola.
The Cenito, Piazza S. Luigi, Riva Fiorita, the Historical Borough of Marechiaro, the Virgilian Park,
Discesa Gaiola

7.The Sea in the Historical Centre - Parthenope and Neapolis.
From Pizzofalcone to Piazza Bellini up to the National Archaeological Museum.

8. Vesuvian itineraries - the Golden Mile.
From the Port of Granatello to the Archaeological site of Herculaneum.
The “Museo Diffuso” of the Vesuvian Villas.

9. Castellamare Itineraries
The sea-sky path, from the Port of Castellammare to the Mt. Faito
Ancient Stabiae, archaeological path
The well-being path, hot baths and Pozzano’s beaches