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Percorsi e Itinerari a Napoli

Bay of Naples


Piazza Municipio e Piazza Vittoria

Servizi Napoli

The sea in the historical center, Partneope and Neapolis

In collaboration with “Napoli Arte e Cultura” association

Option a
Above and below Naples

1 Piazza San Lorenzo Maggiore, Agorà, Piazza San Gaetano,Opera Museum.
2 Piazza Bellini, San Paolo Maggiore,San Lorenzo
3 Archeological Museum


Starting Point - Piazza San Lorenzo Maggiore
Defined path - Piazza San Lorenzo Maggiore: the Basilica,the archeological digs and the Museum; San Paolo Maggiore Church– Agorà – Piazza San Gaetano: San Lorenzo Opera Museum; Subterrean Naples – Piazza Bellini –Archeological Museum.
Arrival Point Archeological Museum.
Timing : 6h


Suggested period for visiting – All year long especially in springtime
Itinerary Type: young people and adults
Overall cost of the whole itinerary – 25€ (3 days discount to access five flegrean sites available)


Means of transport serving the area Shuttle bus n.E1 partially covers the Itinerary. The archeological Museum is the arrival point of the itinerary and it’s reached by Metropolitana Line1 (Museo) and Line 2 (Piazza Cavour) accessible by subway (Museo).

Suggested transport: walking tour


Piazza San Lorenzo Maggiore: the Basilica, the ancient digs and the Museum.
San Lorenzo Maggiore Digs. Mon-Fri 9.00 – 17.30, Sat-Sun 9.00 – 13.30.
Ticket Adult 4,00 €; students and retired 2 €. ticket digs + museum: Adult 7 € students and retired 4,50 €. Information tel. 0039 081.2110860.
the visit lasts approx.1h 20mins, guides available for the digs (1€ per person) reservations@waf.it

San Lorenzo Opera Museum.
Piazza San Gaetano n. 316.
Opening day : Mon. To Sat. from 9:30 to 17:30.
Sunday from 9:30 to 13.30
Ticket €4 ( 2€ under 18 and over 65). Information : tel 0039. 081.2110860
Artecard affiliated

San Paolo Maggiore Church. Opens Sat. – Sun. : 9.00 - 13.00; Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 13.00 (Alla year long).
San Paolo Maggiore Sanctuary : 8-12/17-19; front yards : accessible with permit.
Piazza San Lorenzo Maggiore: la Basilica, the digs and the Museum.

San Lorenzo Maggiore digs . Mon-Fri 9.00 – 17.30, Sat-Sun 9.00 – 13.30.
Ticket : adult 4,00 €; students and retired 2 €. Ticket digs + museum: Adults 7 € students e retired 4,50 €. Information: tel.0039. 081.2110860.
the visit lasts approx.1h 20mins, guides available for the digs (1€ per person) reservations@waf.it

From Seiano cave to Bagnoli and the “via Napoli”
From Molo Beverello (Beverello wharf) to Palazzo Donn’Anna (Donn’Anna Palace)

Option a - The sea between history and passions
Option b - The Glories of Napoli, Mergellina and Posillipo
From Palazzo Donn’Anna (Donn’Anna Palace) to Gaiola
The sea in the historical center, Partneope and Neapolis

Option a - Above and below Naples
Option b - I luoghi del centro storico
Option c - Passeggiando per Napoli